Fume, dust and sewage treatment

Light grayMicrosilica powder containing about 96% – 94% (Sio2) is to reinforce the mechanical strength, density, increased durability in construction

Properties and Effects
Add to microsilica hydro soluble mixture of calcium oxide is released in its active Sio2 capillary pores of concrete to produce insoluble calcium silicate composition and crystal structure and the density of the cement paste and concrete strength is

Analyze Micosilica

SiO2(Silicon Dioxide)     : Min. 92.0%
Fe2O3 (Iron Oxide)     : Max. 1.00%
Al2O3(Aluminium Oxide)     : Max. 1.00%
CaO(Calcium Oxide)    : Max. 0.50%
MgO(Magnesium Oxide)    : Max. 0.50%
K2O(Potassium Oxide)    Max. 1.00%
Na2O(Sodium Oxide)    Max. 0.40%
Packing: Big bags 950 ~ 1050kg

bulk density typically 550 kg/m3 ~ 700 kg/m3


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